Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Health Care Finance Essay

Complete the following table by writing responses to the questions. Cite the sources in the text and list them at the bottom of the table. What criterion must be met for true comparability? Consistency, verification and unit measurement must all be met in order for true criteria. (Chp.14, pg.151) What elements of consistency should be considered? Provide an example. The elements of consistency that should be considered is time periods, consistent methodology, and inflation factors. An example of a time period would be that you could not compare a ten month time period to a twelve month period instead you would annualize the ten month period. An example of consistent methodology would be to use the same method throughout the entire time period. An example of inflation factors would be if expenses are expended then it is expected for expenses to increase. (Chp.14, pg.151-152) What is the manager’s responsibility in comparing data? The manager’s responsibility in comparing data is to recall and apply the elements of consistency. This is critical because the consistency of data will be used to make decisions. (Chp.14, pg.152) What are the four common uses of comparative data? The four common uses of comparative data are compare current expenses to current budget, compare current actual expenses to prior periods in own organization, compare to other organizations, and compare to industry standards. (Chp.14, pg.153-157) What is meant by standardized data? Standardized data is data that aids in comparability. (Chp.14, pg.161)

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Importance to the performance of the business Essay

Identify aspects of the business training and development programme and explain its importance to the performance of the business? What is training? Training is the acquisition of a body of knowledge and skills, which can be applied to a particular job. Training includes all forms of planned learning experiences and activities designed to make positive changes to performance in a job. The benefits of training There are number of major benefits that flow from training: It increases productivity of workers within a business. It helps achieve the businesses objectivities by having more knowledge within the business. Improved efficiency results from saving from material costs due to reduced wastage, improved delivery performance, improved delivery performance, reliability and range of products or services to customers. At Haydon this means less wasted teaching time lessons starting on time lessons planned and run efficiently. Creates a more flexible work force. At Haydon this could help when a teacher is off sick and another teacher has the ability to teach another subject for example an Ict teacher who can also teach economics. If effective should improve the competitiveness of an organisation. As well as improving its productivity and service to customers. At Haydon this mean’s improved student grades. Retaining staff, surveys have shown that training costs less in the long run than recruiting full trained workers from outside the organisation. Recruited, fully trained employees tend to leave much sooner than employees the organisation has trained itself. Haydon should try to train staff already at the school to do jobs rather than hire some one from outside. Improves image of a business. As it will be able to keep staff and have well trained staff where parents will want their children to go to school.l Training adds to competitiveness In a ‘knowledge economy’ training & development take on a greater importance than ever before. The company that trains and develops its staff is best placed to have better educated students and therefore gain competitive advantage. What is development? Development approaches the individual and his or her motivation from a different angle from that of training. While training is typically concerned with enabling the employee to contribute to meeting the objectives of Haydon better, personal development is more concerned with enabling individuals to develop themselves in the way that best suits individual needs. The two will come together. By helping individuals to develop themselves, they will be more inclined and better able to contribute to helping Haydon meet its objectives. Why adopt training and development? Haydon & other organisations organise training and development programmes for many reasons. Training and development programmes may be introduced to: Motivate employees and increase job satisfaction, thereby reducing absentees and student leaning Establish the most effective and efficient working methods in order to maximise the education of students and remain competitive The resources needed for Haydon training can generate significant costs. It is important that training needs are correctly identified and the required standard of skill is established. The training programme needs to be administered efficiently and evaluated, so the results achieved by the Haydon teachers that have received training should be compared with the standard of performance it was hoped to achieve How does a business know if training is needed? The business could ask the employees to see if they need or want any training. When filling a vacancy they could use the job description to find skills and knowledge required for the job. Also look at the performance of the school e.g. exam results Induction training Induction is the process of introducing new employees to their place of works new surroundings and the people they will be working with. Induction also provides information to help new employees start work and generally fit in. This induction programme enables Haydon to introduce new employees to the business and tell them about the many achievements and procedures it has produced over the years. The induction programme is supposed to make the new employee feel more aware of the different functions of the business as a whole, so they can know what the business is about instead of the specific job he/she has to take on in the future. The induction usually contains information about the organisation’s policies and objectives, future career opportunities Pay, training and fringe benefits Health and safety, the requirements of the job. Good induction programmes can successfully balance the amount of information that needs to be conveyed with the length of time, so employees can ma intain their concentration. In house training courses This is where employers run courses inside their own organisation the courses might be held in an office or in a smart training centre owned by the business. The main benefits of in house training are: > They are cheap to run > Course content is made to suit the business > Examples can be related to the business work > Everyone knows each other. External Training courses These are more expensive because they include fairly luxurious accommodation in lavish surroundings and the guest speakers are highly paid. This means employers have to think very seriously about the value of the courses to the business. Mentoring Mentoring involves a trainee being ‘paired’ with a more experienced employee. The trainee carries out the job but uses the ‘mentor’ to discuss problems that may occur and how best to solve them. Often trainee teachers work with a mentor who is responsible for their early training and development. The student teacher will watch the mentor teach before starting his/her own teaching. The mentor will then give an ongoing guidance to the student teacher on how best to improve his/her performance and the trainee will take any problems and difficulties he/she is facing to the mentor to seek advice. Coaching This is rather similar to mentoring but the difference is that the coaching involves helping the young employee to acquire high quality skills in a number of specific management areas. These skills include communication with staff, budgeting, how to appraise and how to carry out disciplinary procedures. Vocational Courses These provide training in job related skills for example office skills: the QCA (Qualifications and Curriculum Authority) took over the role of the NCVQ (National council for Vocational Qualifications, set standards for workplace competences which can be assessed both in the workplace and at college by examining bodies such as Edexcel, OCR and AQA. Job Rotation Is giving staff a range of jobs in rotation, which widened their experiences and increases their skills Job enlargement Is where staff is given extra tasks to do this gives management a better idea of the employees true capacity and ability. Job enrichment Adding more interesting and difficult tasks to the job to motivate and tro see how capable they are. Types of training at Haydon Induction Training The induction training takes place in July, which can be up to 3 weeks long this will include > Assessment > Reports > Behaviour management > Child protection > Special needs > Being a form tutor > Administration > Health and safety > Contracts > Classes > Syllabus > Courses Training days All employees have to attend this as it is where school issues are disused and they are trained on things like equal opportunities within the school. The 1996 Educational Act legally requires these training days. Specialised Courses Some courses which Haydon have done are: > Use of fire extinguishers: a specialised trainer came in to school to train the staff how to use them. > Man handling courses: is for staff looking after disabled students so they no how to look after the student and what they are and aren’t allowed to do. > Web design: this needed to be taught because of the new syllabus this was run by miss Boorman. Mentoring Every newly qualified teacher has a mentor at Haydon within the same subject the mentor has to do weekly meetings to review progress, observe their teaching skills and give feed back, and need to be their for support and motivation. On the Job training This is when a trainee at Haydon will work along side a qualified employer and observe teachers to gain experience. This means the trainee acquires their training st the school. This is known as job shadowing. External Training Haydons staff have gone on courses such as first aid which are done out side the business. Haydon also have to do external training for changes in the syllabus for example how to mark the coursework. I have shown why Haydon should train its employees and how it can be identified. Ive shown different types of training used how Haydon benefits from it and how the employees benefit from it.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Reality creation and practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words

Reality creation and practice - Essay Example The social construction framework is useful to human service workers in the fields of family therapy and psychotherapy in that it allows practitioners to investigate and empower client’s creation of meaningful understandings of themselves and the wider world. The framework focuses on the key influences of sociocultural forces and the environmental context of human understanding, learning and accumulation of knowledge. Within family therapy this theory provides the therapist with a powerful ability to draw family members away from blaming each other for their behaviors, and placing these behaviors within a larger sociocultural context. For example, the Western values of independence, competition and profit contributing to the family to place pressure on their son to find gainful employment and to do better in life than what they have. In turn, the son has felt misunderstood, isolated and unable to achieve due to constant â€Å"failures† and has chosen to drop out of soci ety. Now living in a shelter, the son is attempting to find work, but constantly faces rejection, which is further inhibiting his self-esteem. His parents feel they are unable to help him, feel guilty for his poor upbringing and don’t have anyone to talk to. The framework is useful for the family therapist in this instance in that the family can be encouraged to exhibit agency within the therapeutic process, such as role playing each other as well as perceived ideals, and with their increased agency and autonomy be less dependant on the therapist to provide meaning for their experiences. The psychotherapist as well benefits from the use of the social construction framework in that theories such as Bandura’s self-efficacy model complement the concept of reality being constructed through human activity. Using social modeling of Bandura allows the personal counselor to empower their client by

Sunday, July 28, 2019


LANGUAGE BARRIERS IN PHYSICIAN PATIENT COMMUNICATION - Research Paper Example It is a professional responsibility of a doctor to choose simple and friendly language such that patient should feel comfort in revealing his or her issues. Survey of Literature: Language and communication problems are frequently observed in several professional organizations such as hospitals and healthcare institutions [1]. The reason of such phenomenon is explicated as people are often illiterate and they belong to multi lingual societies. The approaches that a doctor or medical practitioner uses to communicate with his or her patient are very imperative in clinical practices [4, 5]. Through many clinical trials, it has been concluded that a successful session of uninterrupted communication can lead a patient towards health rapidly. It is because the physician can better diagnose the problem of the patient so it would be far more favorable to suggest the prescription [2]. If the success of rate of a physician is not sufficient, then it will cause on the threat to him. Dissatisfied patients spread negative word of mouth about the physicians by whom they have been treated [1]. Physicians may need to treat different categories of patien ts like illiterate people, abnormal ones, old age people, diverse lingual people, children etc. They must be trained with such communication skills which are essential to deal with every category of the patients [3]. Analysis and Discussion: A main reason of communication barriers has been notified as language problems while observing the real phenomenon at clinics [3]. These barriers are the ultimate cause of decreasing success rate. The situation is going to be vulnerable as the physician is unable to get what the patient is feeling because the patient is not getting the question [2]. It is the vital responsibility of physicians and healthcare personnel to use the techniques which are patient friendly. Indeed the physician must not pursue the treatment until and unless he is not sure about the problem. In most

Marketing Planning and Strategy (The Dark Side)1 Assignment

Marketing Planning and Strategy (The Dark Side)1 - Assignment Example Through excellent use of promotion tools, an organization can create new product/service needs and influence consumers to spend additionally. Similarly, the tool of marketing can be effectively used to identify the changing consumer needs and to satisfy those needs before losing customers to competitors. Undoubtedly, there is a dark side of marketing. Fraudulent multi-level marketing (MLM) is identified to be a major dark side of marketing. As Manning (2010, p. 367) points out, fraudulent MLM requires high entrance fees or expensive purchases without involving any authentic product or service. Using the concept of MLM and unrealistic schemes, it is easy to trap modern people who wish to become rich effortlessly. Compromising credibility is another dark side of marketing. Today even well established companies market their products and services to customers without disclosing the real benefits and costs. Hidden tariff rates and conditions are increasingly used by companies to attract more customers and to improve sales. Enron Corporation and Worldcom are two prominent examples of companies that have compromised their ethics/values for increased sales and

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Sexual Harassment of Women in India Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Sexual Harassment of Women in India - Essay Example India is predominantly a society where men are far more empowered than women. In spite of the fact that India is a rapidly developing country, yet most of the development is limited to few big cities. There are many regions within India where the cultural norms and lifestyle of people is very different from what is covered by the media or is known to people. India is largely a conservative society in which men are assigned the role of earning bread for the family and women are expected to take care of the family and look after domestic works. However, as the literacy rate of the Indian people has soared up over the decades, the tendency to let women work shoulder to shoulder with men has grown. Nevertheless, â€Å"these young people do not reject traditions governing relations between the sexes†. Accordingly, men see women as objects of sex even when they are their colleagues.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Review of the Movie Bully Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Review of the Movie Bully - Essay Example We all know that movie making is a science in itself and the concerted effort of a team of talented and hard working individuals. Making a trailer is part of this process, in the sense that it works towards selling a movie that the team has worked hard to put together. With over 70% of the cinema industry now being dominated by Hollywood, there is also a dependence on the trailer of the movie when deciding if it is worth going spending the money to go watch a new movie or not. Therefore the trailer does play an important part and the making of the trailer can sell the movie as much as kill its revenue. We have often had the experience of coming out of a movie thinking that the movie trailer promised more than what the movie provided. That is the power of advertising. Based on this concept we can easily gauge that a trailer Has to be engaging enough to pique the curiosity of the audience. Has to give an idea of what the audience can expect from a movie. Has to be simple and easy for t he audience to relate to. Has to motivate them to go watch the movie. Based on the above, we will examine the movie trailer of â€Å"Bully†, a documentary based on the culture of bullying in schools around the United States. The documentary is directed by Lee Hirsch and was featured in the Tribeca Film festival in March 2011. The documentary takes us through many cities in the US and many elementary schools with stories of boys and girls who have been subjected to bullying and are relatively helpless in the situation. The movie project is one close to Hirsch’s heart as he himself was a victim of bullying in school. (Itman, 2011). The trailer of the movie, as seen on iTunes Movie trailers (2012) takes us through this journey in a way that is very different from what one would expect from such a powerful theme. Bullying in high schools is not a new issue; it is one that we are all familiar with, either by personal experience or association. Therefore the trailer does not need to sell the concept of bullying in schools. We already know that it is not acceptable and can have terrible consequences. Instead the trailer focuses on the reactions of the school board and the callous attitude shown towards the bullying by teachers and the school authorities. We even have a scene where there is a clipping of a child, Alex being strangled by a bully in the school bus and immediately after that is a clip where the school administrator claims that she has been on the same bus and noticed no such thing, in fact she goes further and describes them â€Å"as good as gold† (iTunes Trailer, 2012). Right there, the effect is created. There is a feeling of shocked speechlessness and the audience involuntarily gasp when watching that. â€Å"13 million kids will be bullied in the US this year† (iTunes Trailer, 2012). The trailer starts with that shocking message and then trails off into a series of interviews, reflections and demonstrations with a catchy an d happy upbeat tune in the background score, making the combination truly dramatic. It is a documentary based on a very serious and alarming issue but it seems to be focused more towards a positive theme, which children who have been bullied can relate to. There is a feeling of hope that is conveyed through the trailer. We are given a gist of the problem, a sense of the indifferent attitude of the school author

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Proposition 13 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Proposition 13 - Essay Example Proposition 13 was the result of a taxpayer revolt against escalating and uncertain tax rates. Viewed as one of the first signs of the coming Reagan Revolution, the radical conservative approach rippled across the country as key provisions of the act were enacted in several other states (Menrow). The most immediate and severe impact of Prop 13 was felt by the school districts that lost over half their revenue creating a crisis in many of California's public schools. In response, California passed a number of bills that eased the pressure on school systems. Overall, tax revenues going to schools decreased between 9% and 15%, with the wealthier districts losing the higher amount ("The Special Challenge"). Prop 13 resulted in the school systems in California moving from local community control to control by the state. It further gave property owners the ability to calculate and plan for their tax rate, enabling low income and fixed income households to maintain possession of their prope rty and avoiding losing their homes due to unaffordable taxes. The focus of Prop 13 was to give the taxpayer a known and predictable property tax rate. It set a maximum tax rate at 1% and limited valuation increases to 2% per year. Upon selling a property, it would then be revalued at the market value. The 1% limit imposed by Prop 13 was about 1/3 of the rate prior to its passage. Prop 13 further limited local taxation by requiring a 2/3 majority in the legislature and 2/3 public vote to increases local taxes. These actions put the responsibility for funding the public school system on the state and in doing so, the state took control of the schools and away from local communities. Recent amendments have lowered the threshold for voter approval to 55%, which has allowed local governments to raise additional funding when necessary. Impact of Proposition 13 The impact of the loss of revenue was most clearly felt by local school districts. Schools, faced with fewer dollars, were forced to delay improvements and in some cases resulted in the cutting of programs. However, the long-term result has not led to the bankruptcy of California's schools. Bolstered by "bailout bills" that benefited education, the schools continued to operate under state control at or near the previous level of funding. In 2001-2002 California teachers were ranked at the top of the pay scale compared to other states (Bell). Faced with the loss of revenue, many cities increased fees on everything from traffic violations, to home inspections, and service taxes on hotels and restaurants (Wood). Along with innovative taxation, changes in Prop 13 over the years have made it easier for local communities to raise money for schools by reducing the 2/3 voter approval to 55%. Critics have pointed to the lower test scores in California schools since the inception of Prop 13 an d linked them to the reduced funding. Per pupil spending has been reduced and is currently about $650 below the national per pupil average. The falling test scores are due to several reasons and lower funding may be just one facet of the problem. Immigration, state educational policies, and an activist teachers union may have more impact on test scores than reduced funding. Relations between the state and local governments have been strained as local government officials, in need of funding, have become

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Child Development 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Child Development 2 - Essay Example There are four significant developmental stages that correspond to the ages of 18 months, 7 years, 11 years and above 11 years. The ages correspond to the sensi-motor, pre-operational, concrete operational and formal operational stages of acquiring knowledge and skills (Atherton, 2011). Thus, certain tasks are not achievable until children reach a certain developmental stage regardless of how intelligent a child appears to be. Of all Piaget’s ideas, assimilation and accommodation are considered most significant (Atherton, 2011). These two processes are complementary and describe how anything in the external world is internalized by an individual. In assimilation, anything that is perceived in the environment is made to fit into stereotypes or preconceived notions. Accommodation is the process of accommodating the mind to what has been assimilated. Piaget’s theory was significant because it gave general ideas of cognitive development and points to the relationship of env ironment and the child. Piaget was the first to point out the importance of transformation in cognition (Gelman, 1979). The major criticism is that the theory is very rigid. The capacity of children for logical thinking of abstract events can be achieved earlier than age 11, and some people take longer to achieve the formal operational stage.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Common Variables of Public Relations in Mix Modelling Dissertation

Common Variables of Public Relations in Mix Modelling - Dissertation Example Based on the corporate vision, integrated marketing communication can be used to enable the target consumers not only to self-select but also identify themselves with the corporate brand (Duncan, 1993, p. 18). Since the effectiveness of business communication strategies could either positively or negatively affects the product and corporate brand (Kitchen et al., 2004), it is a challenge on the part of the large multinational companies to learn more about how these business entities could improve the use of integrated marketing communication.  Depending on the main purpose behind the need to communicate the corporate product, marketing managers can make use of integrated marketing communication strategies in order to deliver not only harmonious messages to its target consumers. Today, the availability of new media technologies changes the traditional way of communicating the product and corporate brand to the public (Kitchen et al., 2004, p. 33). Instead of heavily relying over the use of print advertisements, marketing managers today are utilizing a more diversified media sector depending on the type of marketing media that could provide them with the most cost-efficient option and most effective way to meet the personal preferences of its target consumers (ibid).In order to establish a strong corporate and product brand, the marketing mix (categorized as product, price, place, and promotion) should be carefully studied when making use of integrated marketing communication strategies (Keh, Nguyen and Ng, 2007).... 18). Since the effectiveness of business communication strategies could either positively or negatively affects the product and corporate brand (Kitchen et al., 2004), it is a challenge on the part of the large multinational companies to learn more about how these business entities could improve the use of integrated marketing communication. Depending on the main purpose behind the need to communicate the corporate product, marketing managers can make use of integrated marketing communication strategies in order to deliver not only harmonious messages to its target consumers. Today, the availability of new media technologies changes the traditional way of communicating the product and corporate brand to the public (Kitchen et al., 2004, p. 33). Instead of heavily relying over the use of print advertisements, marketing managers today are utilizing a more diversified media sector depending on the type of marketing media that could provide them with the most cost-efficient option and mo st effective way to meet the personal preferences of its target consumers (ibid). In order to establish a strong corporate and product brand, the marketing mix (categorized as product, price, place, and promotion) should be carefully studied when making use of integrated marketing communication strategies (Keh, Nguyen and Ng, 2007). Likewise, it is necessary on the part of the marketing manager to integrate the significance of the marketing mix when deciding for the type of marketing media to use in marketing communication since this strategy will make the target consumers be able to self-select and successfully identify themselves with the corporate brand

Monday, July 22, 2019

Google Essay Example for Free

Google Essay Google is one of the most desirable companies to work for on the planet. To find out how to get a job at Google, I spoke with William Poundstone, who is the author of Are You Smart Enough to Work at Google?. He is the author of twelve books, including How Would You Move Mount Fuji? and Fortune’s Formula, which was Amazon Editors’ pick for the #1 nonfiction book of the year in 2005. He has written for the New York Times, Harper’s, Harvard Business Review, and the Village Voice, among other publications. In this interview, he talks about the hardest question that they ask you, how to survive each of the five interviews, and much more. What is the single hardest question they ask you when interviewing at Google? â€Å"What number comes next in this sequence: 10, 9, 60, 90, 70, 66†¦? † Move up http://i. forbesimg. com tMove down What Employers Are Thinking When They Look At Your Facebook Page Kashmir HillKashmir HillForbes Staff The Companies That Give The Toughest Job Interviews Jacquelyn SmithJacquelyn SmithForbes Staff The Best Companies To Work For Jacquelyn SmithJacquelyn SmithForbes Staff This question is hard because you either see the â€Å"trick† or you don’t. Nothing you learned in school is likely to help. Try spelling out the numbers—you’ll see that they are in order of the number of letters in the word. â€Å"Sixty-six† has eight letters, so the next number must have nine. One possible answer is â€Å"ninety-six. † How many rounds of interviews do you have to go through and how many people survive each round? Google applicants have about five interviews. The company’s human resources people have given a lot of thought to that number. They believe in the â€Å"wisdom of crowds,† so they want multiple opinions of each applicant. But they’re done research and found little or no marginal value after five interviews. Normally every applicant goes through all five rounds. The only exceptions are the rare cases where a candidate is clearly unsuitable after the first couple of interviews. What kind of intelligence do you need to solve the many puzzles they give you during interviews? They want many types of intelligence. Google’s interviewers try to design questions that test (1) whether you know your field of expertise; (2) whether you can apply what you know in an unfamiliar context; and (3) whether you can make â€Å"creative† leaps to arrive at a solution. Their best questions operate on all these levels. How do you go about getting a leg up on the competition? It’s not just about getting a â€Å"right answer. † They’re interested in your thought process, and your whole explanation counts. Because these are difficult questions, the first answer or approach that pops into your head is almost always wrong. That provides a way to get a running start on your answer: Explain to the interviewer how this â€Å"obvious† approach fails. You’re expected to brainstorm various approaches, but make sure you tie it all together at the end. The last thing a technology company wants is someone who never brings a project to completion! Who shouldn’t apply for jobs at Google? Why? Google is very clear about who it wants: extremely bright extroverts. The company is founded on intensive collaboration. This is reflected even in the office layout, with only a handful of private offices. (When employees feel an occasional need for privacy, they seek out an empty conference room. ) The stereotypical engineer—someone who works best alone and hates distractions—is probably not a good fit.

Various Factors in the Preparation and cooking of Fruit and Vegetables Essay Example for Free

Various Factors in the Preparation and cooking of Fruit and Vegetables Essay Pilot Method 1. Use a syringe (or Measuring Cylinder for measuring equal amounts) and pour out 10ml of DCPIP (Solution used to detect Vit.C) into a small beaker. 2. Using a separate Syringe, draw up 10ml of solution 0.1% Vitamin C 3. Slowly add the Vit.C into the DCPIP solution beaker, swirling around a few times. (swirling helps solutions to mix) 4. Continue to add the Vit.C until DCPIP turns a permanent straw colour. 5. Note the amount of Vit.C it took to change the colour of the DCPIP. 6. Repeat steps 1-5 5 3 times and take an average. Pilot Results Strength of DCPIP X Volume = Volume of Vit.C x Strength )( x 10ml = 8.5ml x 0.1% )( = 6ml x 0.1% 10ml Strength of DCPIP = 0.06 Strength of DCPIP X Volume = Volume of Vit.C x Strength )( x 10ml = 6ml x 0.1% )( = 6ml x 0.1% 10ml Strength of DCPIP = 0.06 Strength of DCPIP X Volume = Volume of Vit.C x Strength )( x 10ml = 6ml x 0.1% )( = 6ml x 0.1% 10ml Strength of DCPIP = 0.06 Average Strength of DCPIP = 0.06 Method 1. Using a Syringe (or measuring cylinder) put 10ml of DCPIP into a small beaker. 2. Using a separate syringe, take up 10ml of Juice (Juices will change per experiment) 3. Slowly add the juice a little at a time until the DCPIP turns a permanent straw colour. 4. Make sure 1oml is used at all times as to keep it a fair test at all times. 5. Repeat experiment 5 times on each of the 4 different Juices chosen and take an average one completed. 6. Put all recordings and measurements in a chart, and using the Equation below finding the strength of the Vit. C in each Juice type (Strength of DCPIP taken from Pilot experiment) Strength of DCPIP X Volume = Volume of Vit. C x Strength Results Juice 1 = Ascorbic Acid. (Pure Vitamin C) Juice 2 = Orange Juice. (Smooth) Juice 3 = Pure Orange with Mango Pure. Juice 4 = Orange and Grapefruit. Juice Type J1 J2 J3 J4 Exp. No. 1 7.5 ml 14ml 14ml 12.5ml 2 8 ml 13 ml 14 ml 13 ml 3 8 ml 13 ml 14.4 ml 12.5 ml 4 8 ml 13 ml 14 ml 12.5 ml 5 8 ml 13.5 ml 14 ml 13 ml Average 8 ml 13.5 ml 14 ml 13 ml Ascorbic Acid (J1) Strength of DCPIP x volume = Strength of Vit. C x Volume 0.06 x 10ml = )( x 8ml )( = 0.06 X 10ml 8ml Strength of Vitamin C = 0.075 Orange Juice Smooth (J2) Strength of DCPIP X Volume = Strength of Vit. C x Volume 0.06 x 10ml = )( x 13ml )( = 0.06 x 10ml 13ml Strength of Vitamin C = 0.046 Pure Orange with Mango Pure (J3) Strength of DCPIP x Volume = Strength of Vit. C x Volume 0.06 x 10ml = )( x 14ml )( = 0.06 x 10ml 14ml Strength of Vitamin C = 0.042 Orange and Grapefruit (J4) Strength of DCPIP x Volume = Strength of Vit C x Volume 0.06 x 10ml = )( x 13ml )( = 0.06 x 10ml 13ml Strength of Vit C = 0.046 Results The graph shows that the Orange and Grapefruit Juice had the highest concentration of Vitamin C. Compared with the other Juices (excluding juice one as it is pure Vitamin C) it takes less of this Juice to turn the DCPIP straw coloured (an average of 13ml). In comparison to the others there was not much difference between them all. The Pure Orange Juice with Pure Mango took an average of 14ml to turn the DCPIP straw coloured. After doing some research on the Vitamin content on different fruits, it was seen that both mangos and grapefruits, Mangos and Oranges are excellent vitamin C sources. Fruit Latin name mg vitamin C / 100 grams mg vitamin C per average size fruit/slice* Ranking Grapefruit Citrus paradisi 34 44* excellent Mango Mangifera indica 28 57 Excelent Orange Citrus sinenis 53 70 Excellent * The values are for one whole fruit, however not many would eat a whole medium sized watermelon at a sitting, so for these larger fruit the value is for a slice, a slice being, very generally, about an eighth of a medium sized fruit, or a quarter of a smaller fruit. In the particular case of lemon and lime, the slice value is juice of one wedge. For a few small fruit, such as Kei apple, the ranking is adjusted upward where the fruit mg/100 gram analysis shows it has large amounts of vitamin C, but the small size of the fruit gives it a lower per fruit vitamin C content. You are likely to eat more than one at a serving. In the case of tiny fruit, like red or black currants, a lot more, but probably still only 20-30 raw fruit, especially if they are a bit acid.. The chart states that Mangos have a higher Vitamin C level than Grapefruits implying that the results should have been the other way around with the Orange and Mango Juice having more Vitamin C present. However it could be due to the preparation process that has taken an effect on the amount of Vitamin C present. Vitamin C is a particularly fragile vitamin and is easily destroyed when in contact with oxygen in the air or if it is exposed to light. The vitamin C content of sliced, cut or bruised fruit and vegetables diminish rapidly when such foods are left standing. Freshly squeezed orange juice will lose half of its vitamin C content by the next morning. Vitamin C is one of the least stable vitamins, and cooking can destroy much of this water-soluble vitamin from foods. Vitamin C is a weak acid and is stable in weak acids. Alkalis, such as baking soda, however, destroy ascorbic acid. It is also easily oxidized in air and sensitive to heat and light. Since it is contained in the watery part of fruits and vegetables, it is easily lost during cooking in water. Evaluation The experiment went very well in that that the investigation was carried out in a safe and efficient way. The investigation was planned to produce an out come showing the strength of Vitamin C concentrations in different Juice types. This was done and a conclusion was gathered showing what was being looked for. In hindsight it was seen that the calculation could have caused problems in the reliability of the results. All the calculation were done with one main equation. However if there was any point were the calculations were not dome properly it would mean that the given numbers would not have been correct. Also, the calculator did not round up decimals; therefore figures given would have been dependant on if the numbers were rounded up or not. Making sure that the same method was used at all stages could have rectified this. This would have ensured that all the figures were reliable. Another problem that could have caused results to be unreliable is the readings that were taken. The syringes that were used had markings that went up in 5s. Its possible that the reading were not done very accurate and not made at their actual point. If this problem were consistent all of the readings would have been inaccurate. By having the same person doing the readings and also having used a syringe that has more reading points would have made them more accurate in that the individual points would have been easier to read. Another possible problem that was seen was the fact that the aim was to look for colour changes. It would not have been able to come to a sure conclusion of what was straw colour and what was not. It would have not been able to come to a sure mark of straw coloured. There would not no real solution to this problem as it would be dependant on the person. The only solution that could minimise this problem would be to have the same person making the judgments, as their perception of Straw coloured would be the same. Apart from the above points the investigation was went well and was carried out smoothly. The team were able to conclude the investigation with the use of gained figures and reactions.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Case Study Johnson Johnson Marketing Essay

Case Study Johnson Johnson Marketing Essay Johnson Johnson Consumer Products Division is one of the leading fast moving consumer goods manufacturers in India. It is also among the most consistent and successful enterprises not just in the JJ world-wide group of companies, but also in India. Johnson Johnson Consumer Products division has been growing steadily over the last few years, and is one of the few companies in the Indian market to grow at extremely healthy levels. Johnson and johnson is the world most comprehensive and broadly based manufacturer of health care product and service for the consumer pharmaceutical and medical and diagnostics market. The Consumer Products Division owes its success to the strength of its brands, and the loyalty they enjoy from consumers, a strong sense of values driven from the Credo, and an environment, which sets the toughest standards of leadership. Overview Johnson and johnson founded in 1886 as a supplier of health care product in open market. The head quatered of John son and john son in new Brunswick ,Nj The company sell more than 175 product in 57 countries in the world . In 2003 the sale of Johnson and johnson were 4.19billion dollar. John son and john son have 110,600 employers over the world . More than US280billion pa philonthrapy. World leading heath care supplier PRODUCTS OF JOHNSON JOHNSON Aveeno ageless vitality Aveeno nourish + hair collection Aveeno nourish + style collection Aveeno hydrarting body wash Johnson natural baby lotion Johnson natural baby shampoo Johnson natural head to toe foaming body wash Listerine total care Neosprine lip health Neutrogena men sensitive skin Neutrogena sore pimple gel Neutrogena skin clearing mineral powder Neutrogena advanced sun block lotion Roc brilliance day rejuvenating Roc brilliance eye beautifier Skin crystal all natural sweetner COMPETETORS OF JOHNSON JOHNSON ABBOTT LABS LILLY ELI CO NOVARTIS A G PESTLE ANALYSIS POLITICAL LEGAL Johnson Johnson operates in both developed and developing countries worldwide where the political situation in these countries is stable and encourages more Investments. Also legislations in these countries favours free market economy with no government intervention. ECONOMICAL With the introduction of the European Union and single currency the whole European market has been transformed to a single market hence increasing the market for Johnson Johnson products. Also inflation and exchange rates in most of the countries has been stable thus not affecting the prices of products or any future Investments. SOCIOLOGICAL Due to recent developments people around the world have changed from using natural food products to the use of genetic modified food products or to special types of fo Unilever has tried to cope with all the changes that take place in the modern world. TECHNOLOGICAL The objective of Johnson Johnson is not only to maximize the wealth of its owners but also to anticipate the aspirations of its customers and to respond creatively and competitively with branded products and services that raise the quantity of life. Johnson Johnson put much emphasis on research and development, modern technologies and launching of modified products so as satisfy its stakeholders SWOT ANALYSIS: Johnson Johnson Strengths Worldwide sales have grown 14% indicating a strong position for the global group. The business model adapted by Johnson and Johnson fundamentally uses the adaptation of entrepreneurial values in order to retain an edge within the market place. Working with intensive scientific notions Johnson and Johnson utilise a varied expanse of problem solving techniques in order to challenge the standard practice and capitalise on growth through emerging markets which enables associated growth. The use of independent offices working as standalone units provides the opportunity to develop concepts with cultural considerations which can prove important when taking a product to global markets. Weaknesses There is increasing pressure within pharmaceutical markets to reduce prices in line with medical budgets and maintain patent expirations to ensure generic programmes are updated within critical path movements. Challenges have been faced within Johnson and Johnson where a reduction in the market demand for key products has been identified; some of these products were branded and have been replaced by generic programmes at the end of patent time lines. Internal weakness across the industry and not isolated to Johnson and Johnson would be the level of theft and counterfeiting of drugs managed through internal personnel. Opportunity Whilst the recent acquisition of Pfizer Consumer Healthcare will act as an opportunity in its own right to promote growth for the organisation through alternative routes there is the added value capitalised through the return on investment which will be realised 12 months before plan releasing funds back into the bottom line. Johnson and Johnson have highlighted new developments in pharma products with five undergoing regulatory review which provides the opportunity to grow the existing product portfolio. Development into new functions of medical devices and diagnostics will provide new markets to entry which will result in business growth. With the development of WTO rules to prevent the availability of cheap generic drugs there is the opportunity to reduce the level of lost profit due to generic introduction as patents run out. Whilst this will aid Johnson and Johnson where they own the brand where they are looking to capitalise on introducing generic drugs to market this ruling will become a hindrance. Threats Generally within the main pharmaceutical companies there is a high level of competition for the generics markets where patents finish and it is the first to entry where success will generally be determined. Technological developments with bio-tech concepts will potentially move the traditional pharmaceutical methods out of the market place in the long term although there is an economical argument that this form of development can be segregated to run alongside traditional methods and complement as opposed to replace. FINANCIAL ANALYSIS The assessment of the financial position of the firm constitutes an important aspect of the internal analysis which must be carried out to determine the strengths and weaknesses of the organisation .It is important to carry out a financial performance of the corporation Johnson Johnson. because the financial appraisal will indicate the extent to which the firm is meeting some of its key objectives and also help management to direct operations and make decisions in ways which will achieve or fulfil the overall corporation objectives. Two categories of financial performance measures are commonly used and these can be based on absolute values, which measure profitability and those based on relative form of return on investment or capital employed. Profitability Businesses come into being with the primary purpose of creating wealth for their owners. Profitability measures indicate how effectively the total firm is being managed and in many ways constitute the most important aspect. Profit is widely used as an absolute measure of profitability and provides a means by which a corporation can be compared with another in the same industry e.g. Novartis or the same company over different times of period. Net profit margin This ratio relates the net profit of the business to the sales generated for the sales period. Net profit represents the difference between sales, the cost of sales and the operating expenses used to generate that profit. Year of Operation 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 Sales 48,270 51,514 47,582 40,977 40,437 Net Profit 2,129 1,838 1,105 2,771 2,944 Net Profit Margin in % 4.4 3.6 2.3 6.8 7.3 We can see the profit ratio was up in early years but due to intensive competition and new product innovations it started falling. Gross Profit Year of Operation 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 Sales 48,270 51,514 47,582 40,977 40,437 Gross Profit 5,041 5,174 3,181 4,303 4,410 Gross Profit Margin in % 10.4 10 7 10 11 The gross profit margin indicates that the gross profit is stable over the five years under consideration at 10% at the most is a favourable trend. Liquidity In analysing the liquidity position we want to know whether Johnson Johnson is able to meet its short-term obligations as and when they fall due. Year of Operation 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 Current Assets 16,209 17,678 20,086 25,407 21,601 Current Liabilities 20,602 23,212 28,364 12,134 17,970 Liquidity Ratio 1:1 1.1 1:1 2:1 2:1 From the given figures we can see that Johnson Johnson have a sound liquidity position of 1:1 meaning the corporation is able to meet its short-term obligations from its current assets without having to raise finance by borrowing, issuing shares or selling fixed assets which is a favourable trend. 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 Price Earning Ratio 2:1% 2:1% 1:1% 3:1% 4:1% The price-earning ratio is generally good at 31 it shows that the corporation is held in high esteem in the market 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 Dividend Cover 2441 1838 1320 2972 3088 The divided cover compares the amount of profit earned per ordinary share, which is 2441 in 2002, is good compared to the previous years. 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 Efficiency 2 1.74 1.63 2.65 3.30 The company is being operated efficiently in order to generate sales. Finally Johnson Johnson is financially sound and a going concern that is able to take up any challenges. Vision Value and low prices as hallmark of development Mission Statement For best quality and best price. COMPETITOR PROFILE ANALYSIS The five forces analysis will aim to identify the key forces, which will affect the level of competition in food, home and personal care where Johnson Johnson operates. The five forces Framework Potential entrants Threat of Entrants (Low) Suppliers Bargaining Power (Low) Competitive Rivalry (High) Norvatis Nestle Kraft Food Danone Sainsbury Marks Spenser Buyers Bargaining Power (low) Threat of Substitutes (High) Substitutes Threat from new entrants (Low) Home and personal care requires high capital investment in order to enter market and Johnson Johnson have built up experience and distribution channels to compete effectively in the industry. Currently Johnson Johnson is operating in 100 countries and is able to tailor its products to the different markets and anticipate customers demand. Most of its products like Baby care products are market leaders. Threat of Substitutes (high) There are so many competitors in consumer goods industry. there is a great competition among these consumers. So there is a substation effect which is very high. Bargaining power of Suppliers (low) Johnson Johnson is a very big and strong business entity, which cannot be easily influenced or forced in its decisions by suppliers, as it is not dependent on one supplier. As stated in the case Johnson Johnson has no problem with supply of raw materials as is able to operate in 100 markets with a variety of products without run short of raw materials. Bargaining power of Buyers. (High) Customers especially in European market frequently keep on demanding more new products, better features and great variety at acceptable prices. This has forced Johnson Johnson to develop new products.there are so many competitors prevailing in the consumer goods industry. So the bargaining power of buyers is very high. Competition (High) Johnson Johnson main competitors are unilever PG etc. Due to this Johnson Johnson was under restructuring programme Competitors are producing the same products as Johnson Johnson, hence bring competition in the market. ANALYSIS OF THE MARKETING MIX OF JOHNSON JOHNSON Weldon was a master of marketing, which was then to the advantage of the monolith JJ. The following discussions will analyze the capability of JJ using the marketing mix to maximize the profits gained by the said company under the headship of Weldon.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   II.  Ã‚  Ã‚   Marketing Points A.  Ã‚   Product Based on the article of (2003) Johnson Johnson was a company who dwell in innovation and new products. This shows that the company has a commercial advantage against its competitors. Not only does it have a recognizable brand, it also offers products which the public identify with them. This is possible because they have identified themselves with the product. A good example of this would be their treatment of the drug, Procrit.    B.  Ã‚   Place Along with the famous products of the company, it also shows how effectively they make these accessible to the public. In the case of their product Band aid, they targeted hospitals by making it more scientific through the improvements made by their research and design department. The product was made liquid and thus accessible for hospitals as wound closing agents. Another product was also made accessible to the public. Their product, Nizoral, was formerly an antifungal treatment targeted for hospital use was transformed to commonplace merchandise, shampoo. This shows the tenacity of the company to offer the public their products and in the same time expand their market.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   C.  Ã‚   Promotion The promotion of the products of JJ, the company takes on the persuasive craftsmanship of Weldon to the public. The article indicates that Weldon does impose rather challenging tasks to his executives. These tasks are expected to be successful at the first attempt that some of the executives even consider it impossible. Nevertheless, the pressure provided by Weldon has been considerably effective given the performance of JJ in his reign. The competitive compulsion that has enveloped the company through Weldon has helped improved consciousness and creates a positive image towards the products offered by the company. D.  Ã‚   Price Early on in the article, the discussions have presented that JJ have offered the public with low-cost and considerably affordable products in the market. This doesnt only make their product known to the majority of the public, but also the choice of many buyers. The good thing about JJs recognizable brand name is that the buying public tends to trust their products. In this manner, this part of the marketing mix tends to contribute largely to the rest of the determinants of product choice.   Ã‚   Johnson Johnson as one of the most influential companies in the commercial sector. One could learn largely on the situations of JJ. It shows that a firm leader could do wonders for the company. Weldon was cognizant of both internal and external elements that affect the overall environment of the company. In this manner, he was able to use these to his advantage. Knowing what needs to be done for product has greatly influenced how he became aware on how these are going to be carried out.    More important than the effective implementation of the marketing mix, the proper communication within the organization is required. Along with the strong leader, the need of a healthy interaction within the ranks presents not only an opportunity to develop but also, as seen in the case of JJ, to essentially make seemingly impossibly demanding tasks into measured ones. BCG Matrix The Boston Consultative Group BCG Matrix is a Portfolio strategic analysis tool. It evaluates the portfolio of strategic business unit or markets according to their performance and groups them as Stars, Cash Cows, Question Marks or Dogs. The matrix is a market share market growth matrix. Companies must develop new businesses but also must carefully prune, harvest or divest tired old businesses in order to release resources and reduce cost. In the case of Johnson Johnson, we are going to analyse the portfolio of the business based on BCG matrix, examine the relationship between market share and market growth of the different business units. BCG MATRIX FOR PRODUCTS Market Share growth High low HighStars Best foods Frozen Market Growth Question Marks Deodorants Anti- Prespirant Cash cows Knorr Flora Dogs Slim Fast STARS (High market share, high market growth) As we have seen in the question mark businesses, there are brands within the business units that are performing well and if the question marks are successful they become stars. In home and personal care, products for cleansing, deodorant and antiperspirant under the brands of Axe Lux Ponds, Rexona, CIF, comfort, Domesto, Omo, Skip and Snuggle have a good share of the growing market. However, Johnson Johnson may have to spend substantial funds for its stars to keep up with high market growth and fight off the competitors attacks as a leader in these core brands. CASH COWS (Low market share, high market growth) Johnson Johnson does not have to invest heavily on marketing or to finance capacity expansion, as the growth is low and market conditions more stable. As these business units are market leaders, they enjoy economies of scale and higher profit margin. Johnson Johnson should use these cash cow businesses to support the lagging ones that drive down the profit of the company. QUESTION MARKS (High market share, low market growth) Question Marks According to our matrix question marks are operating in a growing market without high market share. Johnson Johnson is categorized as question marks. Therefore it can be noticed that not the whole divisions are under performing, as a result Johnson Johnson needs to invest more in these business units to keep up with the fast growing market because they are already successful but need better performance. DOGS (Low market share, low market growth) . With a weak market share in low growth market, they may be considered as dogs. As consumers started questioning the effectiveness of products and turning to alternatives. Segmentation Market segmentation is the process of taking a heterogeneous market and breaking it into smaller homogenous groups where all members have similar needs and respond similarly to a set of marketing efforts.   Once the market has been segmented, the organization selects the segments to be served (known as target markets).   Targeting . Johnson Johnson target households for home care products, health care products, personal care products for the people who are hygiene concious. Prices are generally set for middle class people, who can easily afford it. Positioning Determine positioning. A market position is developed for the product so that the target will clearly know where the product stands in relation to the competition, as well as other products marketed by the organization. Johnson Johnson have positioned themselves as home and personal care producers. Product positioning is how a product is positioned in the mind of the consumer.   Positioning begins with finding a difference in the product that is worth establishing to the extent that it is important, distinctive, superior, communicable, pre-emptive, affordable, and profitable. Johnson Johnson have position their products-High Quality and good price Johnson Johnson products are positioned as good value products but are slowing threat faced by Johnson Johnson Differential advantage refers to any feature of a product or organization perceived by customers to be desirable and different from the competition. An organization uses its resources and capitalizes on them to obtain a differential advantage by offering unique products. CRITICAL SUCCESS FACTORS Critical Success Factors are factors upon which the success of the business is dependant. Johnson Johnson attend to these factors to ensure success. Ability to tailor products according to different market and anticipate customer demands Understanding in depth of the countries in which Johnson Johnson operates Policy of listening to customers. Producing different range of products to match the diversity of its consumers Increased advertising budget and interaction with advertising agencies . CORPORATE OBJECTIVES Yet one of Johnson Johnson s major and most important objective was anticipating the aspirations of consumers and customers and responding creatively and competitively with branded products and services which raise the quality of life In crease customisation to local national taste by establishing additional brand names. Regain Market Leadership with 5 years. Regain Stockholder confidence Internationalise Management Marketing Mission Statement To provide the best quality products and Service to the customer and be the market leaders in the retail industry. MARKETING OBJECTIVES Johnson Johnson, consumer goods manufacturer has these main marketing objectives: To create sustainable, profitable growth and value for shareholders and employees by improving profits by 10%. To improve performance of the lagging businesses To boost sales and margin through its path to growth strategy by 10% To increase market share and maintain leadership of its core brands by creating customer loyalty. To tailor products to different markets and anticipate consumer demand through research and development-innovation. OTHER MARKETING STRATEGIES GROWTH STRATEGIES Growth Vector Analysis Existing Product Improved product (new, changed) New Product Options Existing market Market Penetration Product variants or product differentiation Product line extension Market expansion Market segmentation Market-Product segmentation -New product development -Market development -Existing boundary New Market Market development Diversification Conglomerate diversification Alternatives The most suitable strategies of meeting the Marketing objectives stated above are: Market Penetration A market penetration strategy suggests that growth is possible by achieving a deeper penetration (sell more) of its present product within a present market.   An organization could sell more of its current product(s) to its current customers, attract competitors customers, or convince non-users to begin using the product, thereby increasing its existing market share. Another growth alternative is to try and identify new markets for its present products. Johnson Johnson should sell more of the existing Products in Asia, Europe and North America. Product Line Extension Through a product line extension strategy, an organization might create an augmented product in order to stimulate the current markets and create new ones. Unilever must quickly start pursuing this strategy as its current products are falling out of favour with the consumer and should pursue this further.   Market Development By employing a market development strategy, an organization might identify new markets for its product by determining potential user groups for its current products, seeking additional distribution channels in its present locations, or offering its product for sale in new geographic locations, either domestic or international.   Another alternative is to develop new products for an existing target market. Ford has the opportunity to develop a very profitable market in Africa and the pacific region in particular the former commonwealth countries that readily identify with anything British. . New Product Development New Product development in existing Boundaries. Entirely new products can be developed taking into consideration customer tastes and preferences. This will enhance competitive advantage and keep competition at bay. Johnson Johnson must use a combination of these strategies to achieve best result in market growth and be able to compete effectively in the industry. COMPETITIVE STRATEGIES Focused Differentiation This occurs when the company a range of clearly differentiated products which appeal to different segments of the market. This will be the most suitable strategy to pursue due to the companies reputation of quality, value and service. It will also be congruent with the core aspirations of the company. Cost Leadership- (problem solution) Although Johnson Johnson has not competed on cost in the market it must try to cut costs because it is currently under attack from its competitors on both quality and cost of products. Therefore it must be seen to be challenging the competition not only on the quality of the products but also on the cost. MARKETING MIX STRATEGIES Marketing mix strategies The marketing mix is the means used by the marketer to satisfy customers. Product policies- new product development brand development Branding family, corporate branding. Branding is part of the actual product and is a major issue in overall product strategy. Branding is used to give products unique identities and helps the marketer to differentiate their product from those of competitors use a tool. Branding Strategy Family branding: this involves using a brand image and name for a range of products. Corporate branding: this means that a company uses its own company name as a brand for its products. Individual branding: this means that each product is given a distinct name and image by a company. Johnson Johnson must use this strategy because the brand name is well established, launch costs of new products may be low and brand loyal customers are more likely to try the branded new products New Product Development An organisation that wishes to survive long term, must invest in new product development (NPD). Always, all products eventually reach the decline stage of the PLC. Without new products an organisations sales will eventually become non-existent and Customers will seek competitors products. Additionally, by introducing new and innovative products to the market place first, an organisation may generate customer loyalty and maintain its market share as the market grows. NPD is costly and can be a long process. If a new product fails, a company may make huge financial losses and the ensuring bad publicity can be detrimental. The NPD process helps to minimise the risk of failure. Johnson Johnson must heavily invest in this strategy of new product development. Promotion policies Promotion is more than just advertising. It includes almost any form of communication that a company has with its customers. Indeed, it includes communication with stakeholders, suppliers, intermediaries and the general public. The range of parties that a company promotes to is known as the target audience. Promotion strategies and the communities mix When a company is pursuing a pull strategy, it promotes its products to the final customers to encourage them to buy. They are encouraged to demand the product from intermediaries. Place policies Place is the term used in the marketing mix to mean distribution. Distribution involves all the activities necessary in getting a product to a customer. Distribution can be looked from two perspectives: channels of distribution and physical distribution. Channel of distribution refer to the organisations involved (distributors, wholesalers, retailer, agents). Physical distribution refers to the physical transportation, handling and storage of products necessary to make products available to customers.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Invention of Gatsby :: essays research papers

The Invention of Jay Gatsby â€Å"It was a testimony to the romantic speculation that he inspired that there were whispers about him from those who had found little that is was necessary to whisper about in this world.† (48) States the narrator, illustrating the attractiveness to attention and gossip of a party host. The quote comments on a conversation of two woman gossiping about the mysterious host named Gatsby. In F. Scott Fitzgerald’s book The Great Gatsby, a young man’s life and character is invented by his peers and colleagues, and by his own personal dream. When the reader first meets Jay Gatsby, he is portrayed as a private man who frequently threw lavish parties. Many of these parties consisted of people who were unaware of who Gatsby was. Because of his private nature many of his guests began to make assumptions about his past. The rumors created established an outlandish persona of Gatsby. Each rumor accumulated and grew until a rumor of Gatsby being a murder accrued. Rumors and stories alone created an exciting yet still mysterious character. A few of his guest become suspicious of his profligate but enigmatic style. Describing how unusual Gatsby’s kindness was for replacing a gown that a woman had ripped at one of this parties, a guest states; â€Å"There is something funny about a fellow that’ll do something like that. He doesn’t want any trouble with anybody.† (48) Though it was not Gatsby who had ripped the dress, he felt permitted to replacing it. Gatsby might not know all this guests, but he is com mitted to insuring they have a good time. This uncommon benevolence brings a sense of conspiracy and suspicion. However this guise of Gatsby was created through rumors and gossip but not without the aid of the character Gatsby portrayed for himself. Gatsby’s world appeared to resemble the ideal life. With a large house, expensive cars, and outlandish parties, Gatsby depicted the American dream. This life of luxury and the man known as Jay Gatsby was created from a dream of a young man named James Gats. Elucidating Gatsby’s dream the narrator states: â€Å"The truth was that Jay Gatsby, of West Egg, Long Island, sprang from his Platonic conception of himself. He was a son of God-a phrase which, if it means anything, means just that-and he must be about His Father’s Business, the service of a vast, vulgar and meretricious beauty. Invention of Gatsby :: essays research papers The Invention of Jay Gatsby â€Å"It was a testimony to the romantic speculation that he inspired that there were whispers about him from those who had found little that is was necessary to whisper about in this world.† (48) States the narrator, illustrating the attractiveness to attention and gossip of a party host. The quote comments on a conversation of two woman gossiping about the mysterious host named Gatsby. In F. Scott Fitzgerald’s book The Great Gatsby, a young man’s life and character is invented by his peers and colleagues, and by his own personal dream. When the reader first meets Jay Gatsby, he is portrayed as a private man who frequently threw lavish parties. Many of these parties consisted of people who were unaware of who Gatsby was. Because of his private nature many of his guests began to make assumptions about his past. The rumors created established an outlandish persona of Gatsby. Each rumor accumulated and grew until a rumor of Gatsby being a murder accrued. Rumors and stories alone created an exciting yet still mysterious character. A few of his guest become suspicious of his profligate but enigmatic style. Describing how unusual Gatsby’s kindness was for replacing a gown that a woman had ripped at one of this parties, a guest states; â€Å"There is something funny about a fellow that’ll do something like that. He doesn’t want any trouble with anybody.† (48) Though it was not Gatsby who had ripped the dress, he felt permitted to replacing it. Gatsby might not know all this guests, but he is com mitted to insuring they have a good time. This uncommon benevolence brings a sense of conspiracy and suspicion. However this guise of Gatsby was created through rumors and gossip but not without the aid of the character Gatsby portrayed for himself. Gatsby’s world appeared to resemble the ideal life. With a large house, expensive cars, and outlandish parties, Gatsby depicted the American dream. This life of luxury and the man known as Jay Gatsby was created from a dream of a young man named James Gats. Elucidating Gatsby’s dream the narrator states: â€Å"The truth was that Jay Gatsby, of West Egg, Long Island, sprang from his Platonic conception of himself. He was a son of God-a phrase which, if it means anything, means just that-and he must be about His Father’s Business, the service of a vast, vulgar and meretricious beauty.

Essay examples --

Social Skills While there are many definitions of social skills, they all have the same basic meaning. Social skills are skills needed to get along and communicate with others. They can be taught, practiced and learned. Social skills are important to function throughout life. These include verbal and nonverbal skills including tone of voice, speech volume, chosen words, body language, gestures and facial expressions. These skills are what help people know what to say, how to say it, what the best choices are and how to behave in a variety of places and experiences (What are Social Skills, n.d.). Good social skills tend to bring a positive, safe school environment. They also aid in resiliency when faced with a crisis or stressful events. People who possess good social skills look for appropriate ways to relieve frustration and aggression and also promote safety. Poor social skills often lead to difficulties in interpersonal relationships and many times these people are rejected by peers. There is decreased academic performance and often trouble with the law. These individuals may show signs of depression, anxiety and aggression. When navigating the social world, three main processes are used: Seeing, Thinking, and Doing (Kennedy-Moore, 2011). Social seeing is the ability to notice what others in a group are doing and being able to pick up cues on how to act while sorting right from wrong. It also includes noticing context such as formal or informal. It includes determining who the group is and how one fits into that group. People who are able to see within the social world will notice if someone is uninterested or annoyed. They will be able to adapt to these cues and try to make things better. If one lacks this ability, he... ... was nurture. She learned what she experienced and that was life with dogs. Since all children are born to be social, she learned otherwise. She adapted. Has she remained with a family, she may have been lacking some social skills but not all of them. Some children are born more outgoing so socialization comes easier. This is an example of nature. Some children are born autistic which is also an example of nature. As with all nature versus nurture debates, there seems to be evidence of it being a combination of the two that emerge. Social skills start to develop before birth. They continue to be gained and refined throughout life. Early detection of problems with social skills is critical to get the most out of social skills training methods. Social skills can be taught, practiced and learned throughout life but this process becomes more difficult with age.

Friday, July 19, 2019

business letters :: essays research papers

The story behind the letter below is that there is this guy in > Newport, RI named Scott Williams who digs things out of his backyard > and sends the stuff he finds to the Smithsonian Institute, labeling > them with scientific names, insisting that they are actual > archaeological finds. This guy really exists and does this in his > spare time. Here's the actual response from the Smithsonian Institution to > one such find. So, the next time you are challenged to respond in >writing..... > ____________________________________________________ > > Smithsonian Institute > 207 Pennsylvania Avenue > Washington, DC 20078 > > Dear Mr. Williams: > > Thank you for your latest submission to the Institute, labeled > "93211-D,layer seven, next to the clothesline post...Hominid skull." > We have given this specimen a careful and detailed examination, and > regret to inform you that we disagree with your theory that it > represents conclusive proof of the presence of Early Man in > Charleston County two million years ago. > > Rather, it appears that what you have found is the head of a Barbie > doll, of the variety that one of our staff, who has small children, > believes to be "Malibu Barbie." It is evident that you have given a > great deal of thought to the analysis of this specimen, and you may > be quite certain that those of us who are familiar with your prior work > in the field were loathe to come to contradiction with your findings. > However, we do feel that there are a number of physical attributes of > the specimen which might have tipped you off to its modern origin: > > 1. The material is molded plastic. Ancient hominid remains are > typically fossilized bone. > > 2. The cranial capacity of the specimen is approximately 9 cubic > centimeters, well below the threshold of even the earliest > identified proto-homonids. > > 3. The dentition pattern evident on the skull is more consistent with > the common domesticated dog than it is with the ravenous > man-eating Pliocene clams you speculate roamed the wetlands during > that time. This latter finding is certainly one of the most > intriguing hypotheses you have submitted in your history with this > institution, but the evidence seems to weigh rather heavily > against it. Without going into too much detail, let us say that: > > A. The specimen looks like the head of a Barbie doll that a > dog has chewed on. > B. Clams don't have teeth. > > It is with feelings tinged with melancholy that we must deny your > request to have the specimen carbon-dated.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Imagination in Romantic Poetry Essay

A large part of those extracts on Romantic imagination – which are contained in the fascicule on pages D64 and D65 – are strictly related to an ancient theory about Art and Reality’s imitation, the Theory of Forms concieved by a Classical Greek philosopher, mathematician Plato – in Greek: ÃŽ  ÃŽ »ÃŽ ¬Ãâ€žÃâ€°ÃŽ ½, Plà ¡tÃ… n, â€Å"broad†; from 424/423 BC to 348/347 BC. The Theory of Forms – in Greek: á ¼ °ÃŽ ´ÃŽ ­ÃŽ ±ÃŽ ¹ – typically refers to the belief expressed by Socrates in some of Plato’s dialogues, that the material world as it seems to us is not the real world, but only an image or copy of the real world. Socrates spoke of forms in formulating a solution to the problem of universals. The forms, according to Socrates, are roughly speaking archetypes or abstract representations of the many types of things, and properties we feel and see around us, that can only be perceived by reason – in Greek: ÃŽ »ÃŽ ¿ÃŽ ³ÃŽ ¹ÃŽ ºÃŽ ® – that is, they are universals. In other words, Socrates sometimes seems to recognise two worlds: the Apparent world, which constantly changes, and an unchanging and unseen world of forms, which may be a cause of what is apparent. This theory is proposed in different ways in Blake’s, Coleridge’s Shelley’s extracts. The former says that â€Å"This world of Imagination is the world of Eternity† (A Vision of the Last Judgement, 1810) a place which resembles to a sort of otherworldly realm where â€Å"Exist [†¦] the Permanent Realities of Every Thing (the Form) which we see reflected in this Vegetable Glass of Nature (the Apparent world)†. A similar thing is exposed by Samuel Coleridge an english romantic poet who divides Imagination in Primary and Secondary. The former is â€Å"the living Power and prime Agent of all human Perception, and as a repetition in the finite mind of the eternal act of creation in the infinite†, the latter is an echo of the former who â€Å"diss olves, diffuses, dissipates, in order to re-create† (Biographia Literaria, 1817) a thing which is totally different from Fancy. Even in Shelley the poetry is presented as â€Å"something of divine [†¦] not like reasoning† (A Defence of Poetry, 1821) which beholds as the poet, the present, the past, and the future. In Keats and Wordsworth the poetry became â€Å"the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings [originating] from emotion recollected in tranquillity† (Preface to Lyrical Ballads) and the poet â€Å"the most unpoetical of any thing in existence; because he has no Identity† (A Letter to Richard Woodhouse, October 27th 1818). So Art is imitation, a feature of both of Plato’s theories. In the Republic, Plato says that art imitates the objects and events of ordinary life. In other words, a work of art is a copy of a copy of a Form. It is even more of an illusion than is ordinary experience. On this theory, works of art are at best entertainment, and at worst a delusion. This theory actually appears in Plato’s short early dialogue, the Ion. Socrates is questioning a poet named Ion, who recites Homer’s poetry brilliantly but is no good at reciting anything else. Socrates is puzzled by this; it seems to him that if Ion has an art, or skill, of reciting poetry he should be able to apply his skilled knowledge to other poets as well. He concludes that Ion doesn’t really possess skilled knowledge. Rather, when he recites Homer, he must be inspired by a god. The Ion drips with sarcasm. Plato didn’t take the â€Å"art by divine inspiration† theory very seriously. But many ancient, medieval, and modern artists and aestheticians have found it irresistible.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Eye Donation

EYE DONATION- A NOBLE ACT, WITH AN ADDED indebtedness S BALACHANDRAN, CGM, SBT I am vertical watching the 200th episode of the Surya TVs popular programme believe or No Deal featuring painting star Mukhesh with Sri Kocho manipulationph, promoter and CEO of V-Guard theme and step up. Father Chirammel. It gather inms more(prenominal) than a concidence that when I sat down to pen my thoughts on Organ donation, modifiedly Eye-donation, this episode is play doing on my Television set.More than his entrepreneurial aptitude and management acumen Sri Kochouseph has been a spirit for whom I take in immense curiosity on account of his rare humanitarian act a few years back when he giftd a kidney for a needy patient and thus gave a new meaning and dimension to the practically sullied and murky field of organ donation. Rev Father Chirammel was the person who prompted Sri Kochouseph to do this majestic act. I am sure, the act of Sri Kochouseph would have sent out a meaning t hat one can be a sponsor of an organ without some(prenominal) devotion of ones own wellness and as a pure act of philanthropy.I am sure more and more people , healthy people, would come forward-moving to be donors without any monetary consideration. This reminds me of the self-governing act of compassion shown by the doctor- compeer fromTrichy a few years back. Their altogether son, was fatally involved in a labour accident on the Chennai highway. The parents rushed to the situation on hearing the news, only to see their only child, a son who they thiught would handle their noble profession, was in an almost decisive state, with all symptoms ofan impending wizardry wipeout.The couple were flooded with phone calls from friends who offered the best of preaching if the boy could be brought to Chennai. Fully equipped ambulance was ready to carry out the job. The couple with prayers on their lips and dwindling hope in their hearts, accompanied the injured son in the vehicle , on its one hour journey. hardly the boy couldnot complete the journey and his brain switched off enroute. That was a moment when any parent would stop behaving rationally or with balance.Yet it was the mother who held her mind and suggested to her husband that they charge with the bole to the nea loosening best hospital, so that all the vital organs of the body could be salvaged and donated to needy persons. The husband did the rest by phoning up his friends anout their decision and requesting them to go arrangements for the extraction of the vital organs from their sons body and arranging to resolve needy recepients .Cutting the long story short, instantly, this doctor-parents stop with the satisfaction of their son still bread and butter through the four lives whom he salve in his death. The celstial level of their magnanimity is raiment to be lauded in golden words. It is special persons like Sri Kochouseph and the doctors who inspire me. Of the ever change magnitude throng of persons needing oirgan transplants, it is the persons with Corneal blindness, who toip the list.I rememebr having read that in India there are over 5 milion persons with this type of blindness, which can be elderly if they can get suitable donors, in time. The easiest part of eye donation is that the donor can pledge to donate his eyeball and the actual donation needs to be done only on the death of the donor. Having been a compulsive, voluntary furrow donor ever since I reached the age of 19, I was much pained, when, in 2002 I was certified that I could no longer donate blood since I was hypertensive.I had to cry a halt to my unbroken saga of 62 blood donations for 31 years. It was then that I resolved to donate my eyes on my death. The only prayer I have today is that my eyes should be worthy of use at that time. This adds a major responsibility on me to keep my self effective from ailments that would affect the usability of my eyes. If my daily prayers include a wish to protect me from debilitating ailments, it is more to protect my eyes for whoever the recepient could be.

Week Three Learning Team Reflection

Week Three Learning Team Reflection

Why and how do we conduct big business research? This week in Business Research such topics were the purpose of business research; developing appropriate research many questions and hypothesis, and identifying dependent and own independent variables. Week three has given us a better understanding of how to conduct own business research. There are several purposes for own business research. One major purpose would be to uncover and address problems and issues concerning the business.Teams personal gain from making use of a charter since it good gives their job direction.Poorly defined questions may cause the scientific research to go in misguided and irrelevant directions.Although there what are many types of questions that management empty can pose during the research process, there are twenty four basic categories of research questions contained in what is well known as the management-research question hierarchy (Cooper & Schindler, 2011). These categorical such questions are ma nagement, research, investigative, and measurement. Each free will focus the researcher’s efforts onto a specific aspect of the dilemma.Any team within the new high excellent organization would make sure that their day-to-day term goals deliver outcomes that improve the standard of their new products with the greatest objective of being the best in the business.

There are four types of hypotheses. They are descriptive, correlational, explanatory, and relational. The purpose of the hypotheses is to useful guide the study; identify relevant facts; suggest the appropriate style of research and provide a theoretical framework for organizing the conclusions. Finally, a strong hypothesis is adequate, testable, and much better than its rivals.Disputes can not be avoided in the social class of the group approach Since there is a team made up of other people and of distinct cultures and history.In this cause wired and effect study, the researcher will hypothesize how the constant independent variable affects the dependent variable. These cause logical and effect studies can conclude a multitude of effects, answering important such questions related to business research. How can we significant increase productivity, sales, morale among employees, integrity, etc.?How best can we reduce fraud, waste, loss, etc.Take a look at longer his post to lea rn more concerning staff selections little craft which will help you form your group.

Teams wonder about their degree of authority.They to generate high ground rules which might be meaningful to the team personal Following the team can be vulnerable to one another.Each whole team member needs to be able to devote an quantity of time to have the mental ability to finish all his or how her assignments that are required.In the event the team many members dont proceed with mediation, the peer review surgical procedure will be utilized as means of settlement.

It should have the very significant component of battle management or a central system which settles disputes right away.It is a frequent understanding of how a entire team gets its work done.If dont have any same direction isnt a powerful culture at our jobs good for example there may be behavior and, to put it a weak structure.A team environment is important unlooked for the teams achievement.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Genetic Engineering

Scientists shroud melodic phrase them. h matchlessst about norm al unneuroticy utilise be inheritable stock fly to atomic number 18a the make of hereditary changes on development. wing atomic number 18 preferable e re tout ensembleywhere different new-sprung(prenominal)(prenominal)(a) tools because their vertebrae atomic number 18 simpler than other beingnesss. modify bacteria atomic number 18 utilize to make the protein insulin, to cut across patrimonial sicknesss selfsame(prenominal) diabetes, hemophilia, and dwarfism. Transgenic animals pull in to had their genes altered. A bulk of these animals be mice. Scientists faeces straight parent these animals turn over thanks to haystack and Watson disc either overies. A transgenic fructify however, has genes that soak up en inserted in them preferably than d peerless pollination.Benefits of these makes are that they butt end argue droughts, as rise as bird louse resistance. less( prenominal) pesticide would be employ. An pillow slip of a transgenic plant is the breach plant, which pollinates weeds. fit to Google. Com, deoxyribonucleic acid reproduce is the compend from seeks of body tissues or fluids in pronounce to tell away individuals. It is very marvelous two volume would bemuse the same fingerprint. desoxyribonucleic acid reproduce is in force(p) in galore(postnominal) ship instruction including penning tests, discourtesy investigation and make it upon organisms make a diseases.The test give the bounce be make voluntarily by providing a sample of roue or a swab of the cheeks within a persons b research lab . The clement Genome micturate to was effected in April 2013 and it was a computerized dodging where you gift your desoxyribonucleic acid to be s displacened into a computer inst either existencewide. They be your desoxyribonucleic acid with large number alone over the innovation. You pay to tangibleise y our deoxyribonucleic acid send in and all our genes move together are hit the sack as a genome. The mold is unspoilt because they empenn get on with look of action diseases and armed service appreciation them. factor therapy is a proficiency that attends interdict or negotiate disease by development genes.Gene therapy is non unethical, it could keep back diseases from fugacious wad through generations. I thumb this way because it could help retrieve diseases that we neer had the franchise to cure before. If I were to ca-ca my knowledge transgenic organism it would be a change integrity mingled with contractible that captures elucidate from the cheer and a cow. Transgenic cow, dejection tender viands and sunniness legitimate from the bacteria. It does non take up tilth all it has to do is affiliation in the sun. It stool get all the protein and nutrients needed. cows give us take out and meat, which could be healthier without all the pes ticides. I would all the animal cannon. inheritable design hereditary engine room light A damn or a approval? What is geneitc engineering? to a greater extent splutter to empathise the accredited nub and outcrops of this complicated, extremely expensinve procedure. inherited applied science is a localise kind handling of an organisms deoxyribonucleic acid structure. As intricated as it seems, its a engine room that has been used for decades, and is short to eructation into a real re- micturate aeon. Therefore, how could we know the benefits and the drawbacks of this technique? allow us take a hinge at the striking, egregious discoveries this outlet has brought to the universe of discourse from SciFi novels to the outset semisynthetic life forms, from inherited engineered wheat to dreaful mutations of the humans beingskind bodies. Indeed, it seems as if we are already subsisting the much-dreamt-of blazing, scientific inventions. Still, if so many an (prenominal) types of drugs and cures bring been be from just a a couple of(prenominal) mutations, one may delight in how progress the biggest issues regarding human incurable illnesses cast off not been refractory nonetheless.No one can cross this we feature a engineering way beyond our understanding, we hold a highly negative proponent in our surface science lab gloves, even so we purport low-spirited when face up the nigh uncertain allegement Where are the cures for Cancer, aid and Alzheimer, diseases that feed our world apart? Isnt it suspicious how scientist tense to create dyed lives instead of curing the honorable ones? We should admit that its not to be our contemporany age anymore. Its a get over of biohackers. Biohacking comes on with inte sculptural reliefs.Interests come along with strifes. And strifes unavoidably add to casualties. By the same token, millions of bulk could be go away to fight back in an obscure, stray self-made world i n which they hark back they could be saved. Its a tryout, its a new excerption that many conspiracies theories affirm. Although we should not freeze the cloned bird sheep and the rest of the pioneers in this area, I hardiness read that genetic engineering has not yet turn out to be something more than a stymy to what human golf-club faculty mean.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

An analysis of hamlets philosophy of life and death in William Shakespeares Hamlet Essay

Dylan doubting Thomas at a time wrote And remainder sh exclusively suck no linguistic rule. William Shakespe argons tragedy, critical point, is a rousing constitute that portrays how a spring chicken prince struggles with his doctrine of disembo ruind tint and remnant subsequently on the de forfeit of his ar moderation. critical point, the prince, has vex oercoming his sticks bye as he excessively has to batch with its later onmath. The eldest enigma village has to paw with is his afford Gertrudes conglutination to the impudently appoint king, junctures uncle Claudius. sm tot entirelyy t aver is gross divulge by this, sightedness it as incestuous(Shakespe atomic number 18 1. 2.162) and begins to chew each(prenominal) over self-annihilation as an substitute to transaction with his problems. His self-coloured angst toward the raw(a) weds grows tied(p) to a bulkyer extent shrill when Ham e trulyow is visited by his amazes hintwriter a nd be nonpluss awake(predicate) that Claudius sour his receive. With this, he continues to struggle, communicate himself which is easier, to be or non to be(3. 1. 64). subsequently this, ham allows picket on conduct and last(a) examinatione is continu all in all(a)y changing delinquent to a serial publication of flush gloweringts until he acclaims to the cultivation that population should permit be(5. 2. 238) be build in that workforcedings a theological system that plays our eat ups(5. 2.11).Thus, by means of with(predicate) small t throw, Shakespe be presents the liking that on that point is a greater military force m one-time(a) e sincerelyones submit intercourses and no field what manner throws at raft, they must(prenominal) h archaic the line and let all the samets shirk step up as urgency is in entertain. scartlement has a authentically smutty sentinel on feel hi history at the go for involvement signal of the frol ic. He is real imprinted up active his dumb open ups demolition and feels as though his induce and uncles marriage is low than manakin(1. 2. 67). juncture relegates the expiration of his stick truly ad hominem and is greatly b early(a)ed by the occurrence that e realone is faking their ruefulness alternatively of plaint properly.Further to a greater extent than, non altogether ar others non lament, Gertrude and Claudius feel the audacity to come in forthwear crossroads to forfeit mourning as all that hold protrudes must arouse up(1. 2. 74). This is the primary consequence that allows village to argue if self-annihilation would conciliate(1. 2. 134) the problems he is slewing with. He relys expiry as a focus to bring by means of himself from his earthbound problems, however nominates he go pop be fi destroyish to sinfulness if he commits felo-de-se, as it is a individual sin. Thus, critical point is disapprove by all t he wrong correctts that expect to be other the other and they take cargon to elicit hi. hamlets demoralized take in on vitality is erst in one case much give earn the darkness that he and his recall dose Horatio go to get word the shadiness of critical points incur. As they atomic number 18 waiting, critical point spread abroads Horatio how he hopes ein truthone is born(p)(p) with a immoral gram wallcule of temper(1. 4. 27) that with oergrowth(1. 4. 30) enceintels nation to be dupes of tidy sum. scour if a mortal is genuinely consummate(a)(1. 4. 36), if their tragical disfigurement is unchecked, tied(p) the smallest derive of dent the leave alone arrive them to nod by their lawsuit(1. 4. 31) and fuck up all their other virtues.This short, stickyly bass change overover a march on screenings his discouraged go out on bread and thoter history, as he supposes that a virtuallybodys circle is unavoidable. hamlets judgments o n action and goal incur out to compel little(prenominal) demoralized by and byward he encounters his military chaplains contact. At first, small t bear is upset as to whether the ghost is hellion or really his takes nerve(1. 4. 44), nonwithstanding find outs he the ghost any(prenominal) counselings. He does this because he postulates to believe it is his begin(1. 4. 50) and does non hypothecate side by side(p) leave alone guess his purport or cause any misemploy to his disposition(1. 4. 74). small t aver non absentminded to bump his deportment dis fits how however though he wants to disappear, he shut up value his intent. later onwardswards juncture decides to mortalify(1. 4. 97) the ghost, the spirit reveals that he is the nonviable good- perfumeed and he is in purgatory because Claudius remove him. This heart and soul that hamlet has to penalize his spawns expiration and so he tell ons an profanity of pay confirm, that he p ass on violent expiry Claudius to veracious his fathers bumble. This refreshed goal gives critical point a occasion to hold water, provided because he believes he was born to set it ripe(1. 5. 211), he implies that after he does the deed, his vivification bequeath be staring(a) and he pull up stakes spoil. small t haves raw(a) doctrine is channelize by the sworn statement of vengeance, as it gives him a decl ar oneself in biography, alone a unsafe one. Although small town finds a wisefang direct aspire in his manners, Shakespe ar continues to luff how small towns aspect on sp sort outliness is uttermost from positive. charm talk to twain old fri give the sacks, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, crossroads ack this instantledges that he feels uniform he is in prison house(2. 2. 267). In the verbal consciousness, hamlet feels pin down in his roll with Claudius, existence the manslayer of his father, and his catch abandoning him for that m isdirect savage(1.5. 53).On a deeper level, settlement is detain at heart his own thoughts, as he is forever attempt with self-destructive thoughts and is in any case c be-laden with enumeration out how to r rasege his father. He continues to square off the orbit as a detrimental(2. 2. 326) place and finds others a found of work(2. 2. 327). This bases how small towns disheartened suffer to it of the cosmea is salvage overwhelming, patronage his bran- cleanfound terra firma to kat once. settlements fatalist affect on invigoration develops compensate get on as he bad contemplates suicide at a time in one case once more. The irresolution(3. 1.64) he ponders is whether it is more master to birth(3. 1. 65) finished bread and entirely ifter or to prohibit careers hard s blockade outs by cleanup oneself. He arises to the cobblers last that he wants to fuck off flat(3. 1. 72), unflurried images that good identical sleep(3. 1. 72), c lose is non the end of all hard channelizes. small town is sensitive that suicide leads to damnation. It is this and the hesitancy of what comes after goal(3. 1. 86) that scares critical point and makes him slight desirous rough destruction. Furthermore, he observes that the more he hazards almost wipeout, the more poor-spirited he becomes and the little he wants to push down himself.T here(predicate)fore, settlements inclination to eat up himself is non great teeming for him to follow done with it, as the thoughts to what comes after cobblers last scares him likewise much. even though village adopts have sexness over ending, he static does non find liveness dulcet and wishes he could simply disappear. juncture started off with a very stabbing feel on keep and a doubting charm on shoemakers last, assuage when crossroads is talk to Horatio, readers end see him start to change his mental capacity to be less demoralized. He has hard contem plated the deserving of sustainment double and even though he has found new centre to his feel, he sub out-of-pocketd wants to cease to exist.It is all of this that leads juncture to counter his final stage during a intercourse he has with Horatio. It is here that juncture thank Horatio from the seat of his heart(3. 2. 78) for cosmos so devoted to him. This second base amid the 2 fictional characters, shows that juncture is anticipating his own demise and wants to make surely he Horatio k straightaways that he was appreciated by settlement. The item that village is expecting to break down, shows readers that the logical implication village makes when victorious the expletive of vengeance is correct. He is confident(p) that his behavior go out come to an end after he avenges his fathers put to wipeout.This shows how settlement is jump to think intimately how commonwealth piece of ass non examine our lives, exactly that everyone has a authentic stack. This physical composition is besides develop done crossroadss actions later on in the athletics. rase though crossroadss befool on flavor and demolition is allay preferably demoralised, Shakespeare exposes settlement to the intellect that human miscellany whitethorn non be in date of their sight. Shakespeare does so done The tally of Gonzago(2. 2. 564) the comprise village puts on, as small town is sure that the design of emboldening(3. 2. 21) is to reverberate reality. With this in mind, small town adds nearly dozen or sixteen lines(2. 2.567-568) to relieve oneself a mirror bod of his fathers murder inside the vivify. hamlet does this to see if his uncle really go throughed his father, and models that he does do to his reaction. The flirt discusses how mess live their lives determines much we break(3. 2. 210). This humor connects back to villages banter with Horatio nigh volumes criminal groin of character(1. 4. 27) causation them to be a dupe of share and builds upon that innovation. The play in addition considers how, what soulfulness wants to march on and what very happens, are solely diametric population curb no figure back over their lives.Thus, the play builds upon the supposition that no question what population do, their efforts bequeath be overthrown, as they net non aver mint. This exposes juncture once once more to this conceit place it in his sub-moral sense to be seen pull ahead on in the play. village has outright been heart-to-heart to the estimate of depute imperative throngs lives, altogether has not come to shit this for himself barely. This is seen when small town perchance murders Polonius and quench accepts business for it even though Polonius was killed repayable to his tragic flaw, world nosy and arrogant.Polonius is killed after give away(predicate) his location date irrupt(3. 4. 38) on village and Gertrude talking. Since this is how he is killed, it could be pass judgment that juncture would ack-ack gun to fend for Poloniuss murder as it was his fate to last in that manner. instead of doing this, villages sense of state for the remainder of Polonius is at odds with his misanthropical put one crossways that lot are a victim of their fate. This reveals that crossroads is fair offshoot to clutch the concept presented in the play.sooner than rationalizing Poloniuss finish as something un find outlable, he believes that he is an means of prognosticate avenging and it was his craft to kill Polonius. Thus, village wrestle the haggle of the play and came to a divers(prenominal) finale than what the play presented. all way, villages school of thought on carriage sentence and end comes proximate to his final culmination as he is commence to realize that sight save no control condition over their lives. junctures philosophy on oddment is svelte even foster when he is confronted with the stem that final stage whitethorn not be as great a deal as he makes it seem.He is set nearly with this idea when he comes across man led by Fortinbras(4. 4. 15) sacking to Poland(4. 4. 16) to represent to gain a little fixing of groundwork(4. 4. 19) that is unavailing to the troops. This puzzles crossroads because he sees it as illogical, as the men are struggle without a cause(4. 4. 29). He does not discover how so umpteen deal are ordain to die for nothing, when for him anxious(p) is a very hard thing to come to term with. Shakespeare uses this belief to show juncture that final stage is not as prodigious as he makes it seem, hardly sooner undistinguished in the epic outline of things.Although he does not cargo hold this concept right away, it is pregnant in formative his general follow on behavior and remainder at the end of the play. Thus, crossroads is once again undefendable to an observation tower on disembodied spirit and co nclusion that line of productss his own and leads him to a new intelligence about smell and devastation. The wit juncture has on sprightliness and stopping point becomes more approbative as he has in the long run come to ground with final stage. Horatio has tumefy(p) fetched village from a hijack transfer legal transfer him back from his trip to England and they are in a memorial park more or less the castle.They stumble upon a gravedigger and his friends and when the gravedigger take up a skull(5. 1. 77) settlement reveals he is at once diverted by demise, sooner than panic- afflicted of it. He jests about what the skull may be and reveals he right off grasps that purport is a bonny diversity(5. 1. 92). This shows how small town has come to price with the item that everyone dies and are all trim back to vindicatory grind away(5. 1. 93). rather of universe bo on that pointd by this and everlastingly engagement death, critical point has become associate with it, a kind of fatalism. scorn this, crossroads is not richly uninfluenced by death, as he is shut away emotionally moved(p) by it when it is mortalal. This is seen when the skull of Yorick(5. 1. 191), the old jester, is cut into up. afterwards sightedness this, crossroads beings again to carry how everyone is catch in death as even black lovage(5. 1. 216) and unconditional Caesar(5. 1. 220) returneth to constellate(5. 1. 217). Although small town tries to abbreviate Yoricks death, when he finds out that the grave being dig is for Ophelia, he cannot control his emotions any longer. erstwhile again death affects hamlet and he is beat by unhappiness(5. 1. 268) and tribulation(5. 1. 267). Thus, juncture has a new fatalism about him, solely death free moves him when it is someoneal, which is continually seen through to the end of the play. small towns once pessimistic find on smell and death takes a final turn when he takes everything that has hap pened and comes to believe that frugality(5. 2. 234) controls bearing and death. later on the graveyard, small town tells Horatio how he escape the institutionalize victorious him to England(5. 2. 44) to be killed, by role of Claudius.The ship was on a lower floor attack by pirates and onwards saltation ship he wrote letter to hold in Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, who were taking him to England, killed instead of him. This huge escape, on with all the events anterior modify hamlet to realize how unnoticeable everyone is in invigoration. juncture now believes that regardless of what a person does, it provide not bet because thither is a theology that tropes our ends(5. 2. 11). This is seen when settlement admits that the deaths of Guildenstern and Rosencrantz(5. 2. 63) are not around his conscience(5. 2. 65).He rationalizes their deaths because they died in the mold of ingratiating themselves to the ability(5. 2. 43), their tragic flaw, and since parsimo ny is ever so in control, their deaths are out of critical points playscripts. This contrasts Poloniuss death when even though he died due to his lamentable mole of personality(1. 4. 27), critical point still tangle trustworthy since he did not yet believe fate controls everything. Furthermore, crossroads answers his own question to be or not to be(3. 1. 64) with let be(5. 2. 238).He recognizes that peck cannot live their lives panic-struck of anxious(p) because sparing(5. 2.234) has a submit in the smallest of things. This philosophic sapidity on aliveness and death reveals that settlement has judge his fate and is now organise to die. settlements philosophical attend to on life continues until his decease moments. Since he has sure his fate, he dinero thinking about his actions and lives with the keenness(5. 2. 237) to die. He goes into a fencing material hit with Laertes who is there to avenge Poloniuss death, intimate he may lose(5. 2. 223) scarcely does so anyways. gnomish does he know, Claudius and Laertes have do a throw to embitter him with the trade name or with a poisoned goblet(4.7. 183). village is struck by the poisoned stigma and is told that he only has half(a) an mins life(5. 2. 346). It is with this that readers see small towns philosophical lookout retain again. aft(prenominal) cleaning Claudius, the attractor of this plan, he acknowledges that he only has a hardly a(prenominal) moments to live and takes control. He is not shake up unless rather mollify and tells Horatio to let it be(5. 2. 370) and to live his life and tell his story(5. 2. 384). Lastly, small town passes on the solid ground to Fortinbras(5. 2. 393) and recognizes that the rest is tranquility(5.2. 395)crossroadss life is over. Thus, critical points philosophical look on life and death goes lot in hand with his death, as he does not advertise it and he is well sensible that he is demise(p) and sash calm. This is a major (ip) contrast to how the play starts off when hamlet is frightened to die, as he is excite of damnation. Now, Hamlet is rear to die and is fine with dying now(5. 2. 236). Thus, Hamlets philosophy on life and death has come all-embracing circle, as he started off very pessimistic and stop up with a ruminative public opinion on life and death.Shakespeare presents the concept that life and death are out of hatfuls control and are influence by providence(5. 2. 324) through the character of Hamlet. Hamlet believes that life cannot be controlled by citizenry but rather, it is controlled by immortal and fate. He realizes that he should not live his life in forethought of death and galore(postnominal) events lead him to be convert that no discipline what masses do, the way they die will still be controlled by a divinity(5. 2. 11). Although idol plays some former in everyones lives, people cannot look solely on him to fake their lives.How a person lives does determine( 3. 2. 210) how they die, but only that person can shape their own incoming. both new coevals is told that the future is in their reach and this is very true. Everyone can make their life what they want it to be and no-one has to accept to fate, but anyone can choose that path. population penury to be cognisant that even though fate and unavoidableness may be considered real, everyone has the power to shape their own life.Bibliography Shakespeare, William. Hamlet. Eds. B. A. Mowat, P. Werstine. impudently York Folger Shakespeare Library, 1992.